About Olga & Productivity for Scientists

Let’s get to know each other! Read on to learn more about me, Dr Olga Degtyareva – experienced productivity mentor, award-winning scientist, mom-of-three, and founder of Productivity for Scientists. Here you can also learn more about the support I offer and how it could change your life!

How did you become a productivity coach?

There was a “defining moment” in my life that brought me to where I am today. It happened in 2005, while in the 3rd year of a postdoc in a world-leading scientific laboratory. My research was going well and my career was unfolding successfully – and yet I felt overwhelmed and exhausted from working long hours and night shifts. I felt that no matter how much I did, it was never enough. Walking home from work in the late evening, I often cried, asking myself: “Why does it need to be so hard?” My social life was pathetic; my personal life was a mess. I felt lonely and lost. Then one day I hit rock bottom and could not even make it to work. I was ready to give up on everything and on myself.

Yet something inside me gave me a push to get up, dry my tears and go searching for a way to be happy and successful: to change my life. I committed not to give up until I found it. That day I pulled myself together and reached out for help. From then on, slowly but surely, my life began to improve. In the following years, I worked with psychotherapists, coaches and mentors; read books and attended seminars; got hold of the best-of-the-best materials and learnt from leading experts on mindset and personal effectiveness. Over time, I became an expert myself and refined my own productivity techniques.

By 2010, it was clear things were working! I reached the peak of my research career – receiving a European prize for my contributions to my research area; publishing an extensive review article as a single author; and shortly afterwards, receiving a promotion to the next grade at my university. By now I had published a total of 38 scientific research papers – including in the high profile journals Nature Physics and Physical Review Letters. At the same time, I was a hands-on mom of two young children and generally felt happy and fulfilled. My colleagues noticed the change in me and how well I was managing this all. They asked me: What was my secret for being so productive in my career and also remaining so balanced and happy?

In late 2010, I started a blog to share my productivity tools and strategies, and by the following year it had grown into my own coaching business. I soon realised that working with scientists and helping them blast through their obstacles to achieve their goals is what I enjoy MOST! I was thrilled to see the amazing results my clients were getting. They’d publish high-profile papers they had wanted to write for years; they’d submit grant applications; they’d write up their thesis. But even more than this, the most frequent results my clients report from our work together is that they felt happier and more aligned with their purpose; they felt more balance between their work and personal life; they now dared to dream big and pursue their dreams; and they could be more of who they really are. With such amazing results, I made a commitment to dedicate my professional life to this work.

I’ve now worked with hundreds of students, postdocs and research staff to help them improve their quality of life and work. I’ve delivered countless workshops, lectures, VIP days, personal and group coaching programmes, and developed the ‘Productivity for Scientists System TM’ that every scientist can follow to become more productive while feeling more balanced in their life. To date, thousands of scientists have benefited from my free resources! My biggest motivation remains that memory of myself back in 2005 when I was so fed up and so ready for a change, but I did not know how to do it. I remember wishing someone would take my hand and show me how to make the changes I craved. That’s why, after finally finding the answers, I am so happy to share them with you. To offer you a shortcut to success and to give you my full support and guidance to make the changes YOU want in your work and life. If I can do it, you can do it too!

What kind of people do you coach?

I predominantly work with early-career scientists, who are building their careers and want to be more successful at what they do. Most of the scientists who come to work with me feel overwhelmed in their work and personal live, and want to get back on track with their goals, feel more in charge of their day and also achieve a better work/life balance.

Some of my clients already feel quite on-track and productive, but want to achieve even more! For example, stepping up to publishing in higher profile papers or getting a promotion, named fellowship or a new job. I can help with this too!

Another group of scientists who have benefitted from working with me are those who find themselves at a crossroads in their lives and are perhaps not even sure if continuing in science is the right thing for them. And when I use the term “scientist”, that includes social scientists too!

To date I have worked with people in the following research areas:

  • Physics

  • Astronomy

  • Chemistry

  • Biology and Medical Students

  • Geology

  • Agriculture

  • Oceanography

  • Social Sciences

  • Philosophy

  • Business

  • Arts

And I have worked with scientists in the following career stages:

  • MA and MSc

  • PhD (part-time and full-time)

  • Postdoc (at a university, institute,  governmental lab or research facility)

  • Research Fellow

  • Research staff

What if you haven’t worked with anyone in my field?

Most of my clients work in different areas of science and research. (Even if they don’t consider themselves “scientists” per se!) However, I have also occasionally worked with professionals working in other sectors, including small business owners. If I have not yet worked with people in your area, I would encourage you to still check out what I teach – as it might put you at a great advantage compared to others in your field!

One of the things my clients say they find most helpful is the fresh perspective I bring to how they approach their working day – as well as how they think about their work. This helps them to become much more effective and productive and to stand out, especially in the extremely competitive scientific field. However, these are attributes that can benefit you whatever your field!

How are you different from other “productivity” or “dissertation coaches” or “time management gurus”?

What makes me unique is that I had a successful 15-year scientific career before I became a productivity mentor. I have been through an MSc, a PhD, two postdocs and a personal fellowship, so I know your situation as a scientist from inside out! I have been where you are now. I have struggled through what you are struggling with. I know the daily challenges and obstacles you are coming up against.

In my productivity coaching, I focus on scientists and researchers. This means you can expect very close attention to your situation as a scientist! I teach the tools and strategies that worked for me as a scientist. (And that continue to work for me as the owner of a successful business!) I am proud of being an active example to you of someone who is constantly striving for growth – and I continue to work with and learn from the greatest mentors on this planet. With me, you can be sure that I am not just teaching you something that I have “read in a book” or “heard about”. I am bringing to you tried-and-tested techniques that have helped me to become successful and that have helped many other scientists before you.

I have a listening ear and, with me, you get plenty of time to share your situation and to reflect on your learnings. I also bring compassion, positive energy and humour into the coaching, because this is how I live my life every day! I feel on-track, balanced, positive and productive as my predominant state throughout my day – and you can too!

What type of personality do you work best with? And what is expected of me?

My private and group coaching programmes are created for scientists who have had enough of feeling unproductive and overwhelmed! Who can’t continue in the same way any longer and are absolutely ready to make changes to become more productive and balanced in their life. It is for the people who want to end those dreadful moments of not being able to fall asleep, or waking up in the middle of the night, thinking: “How on earth am I going to manage it all? Why is it so difficult? Why is it never enough, no matter how much I do? I feel so overwhelmed…”

These programmes work best for those who are ready to get going and just need to know exactly what steps to take to become more productive – once and for all! My programmes have been created to help you put systems in place, within a few weeks or months, which will eventually lead you to becoming more productive, publishing more papers, but also consistently achieving the goals that matter most to you, while enjoying more of your life. What you will find here is a learning experience with lots of action! You will be expected to make serious and consistent effort throughout the coaching program. You’ll find a kind but no-excuses approach; a very different way of thinking about your work; and you will have my full support every step of the way.

Is there anyone that you’re NOT going to work with?

Please know that I am very selective in who I work with. I gently turn away people who aren’t suited for my programmes and won’t get the results for which they would have signed up for. (It wouldn’t be fair to them.)

My coaching programmes and online courses are not for those who have no money coming in. For example, if you are a PhD student after your funding has stopped, or if you are from a low-income country and are in a financially desperate situation. From time to time, I get asked to give my programmes away for free because of a situation as described above. I always reply that I am already giving a ton of information, tools, strategies and inspiration away for free through my YouTube videos, lectures, workshops and resources. So, if you think you cannot afford any investment into your success and happiness just now, do yourself these favours:

  1. Sign up for my free newsletter, where I share productivity tools and strategies to help you stay on-track and become more productive. This free information will get you started towards your goals until you’re ready to work with me one-on-one or in one of my group programmes.

  2. Sign up to my YouTube channel, and start listening to those videos on a regular basis. These will help you shift your mindset and start becoming more productive.

Whoever you are, doing these two things are great first steps to help you to start shifting from overwhelm to feeling more in charge of your life. Then, when you’re ready, e-mail me and we’ll talk more. (I’m in no rush. I’ll be here when you need me.)

There is one other type of person that these programmes won’t work for and that is someone who constantly makes excuses for not getting their assignments done or who will challenge every aspect of the programme. If you are one of these people, I gently and respectfully ask that you do not contact me and I hope you understand why. We probably won’t work well together and I wouldn’t want you to waste your money.

What exactly is the ‘Productivity for Scientists System™’? And what does it include?

The transformation from overwhelm and procrastination to being productive and on-track begins with developing clarity about your goals and priorities. The next step is to become more aware of your current working patterns and what is standing in the way of your success. It requires consistent action and implementation.

Here are the key steps of the System that we will work through together:

1. Create your master list

Together, we will identify what is on your plate right now. We’ll take a look at all your current projects, commitments and obligations. We will identify items and papers that will have the biggest impact on your life in the next 6 months.

2. Schedule your key projects

Some items on your list don’t have deadlines. This often means that, although they are very important, they don’t get attention until your create time for them and make doing so into a habit. We will break down your key projects into manageable tasks. This goes for the papers you want to get written and published, but also for the personal activities you need to introduce into your life to avoid burn-out.

3. Understand what’s in your way

Your goals and targets may be constantly being shifted, causing you frustration and the feeling “it’s never enough no matter how much I do”. When your paper gets published, there is another one to write. This and other patterns negatively affect your confidence, slow down your progress and get in the way of you achieving your goals. We are going to work on this! We are going to identify and understand your non-productive thought patterns and behaviours, and start making changes in how you do your work.

4. Get in charge of your day

Now is the time to get into the driver’s seat and get in charge of your day! You are going to learn how to start seeing opportunities that are already there to act upon, and to start taking advantage of the resources around you in order to get closer to your goals. We are going to increase your confidence, as this is a major part of your success. Together, we will make sure you build and protect your confidence every single day.

5. Work smarter not harder

If you are hoping to be more successful and achieve more just by working harder than you are doing right now, you are setting yourself up for a big struggle. To be more successful, to achieve more of what you want and to feel good while doing it, you need to learn new ways to do the work. We will hone your strengths and your existing strategies that are already leading you into modes of productivity. You will also learn new tools and strategies to work smarter not harder.

6. Balance your work and life

This system would not be complete without addressing your work/life balance! My clients always report that they are much more productive after they rest and take care of themselves. You need to create new systems that will ensure you are recharging your batteries regularly, so that you can become more focused, and create more free time. I will help you to become more productive inside and outside work.

7. Uplevel your career

In this step, we are going beyond papers, grants and work/life balance! We are going to create more meaning for your work and more new opportunities that you can be excited about. It is really going to stretch your vision and show you what is possible for you! We will connect to what drives you to do what you do and find constructive aspects that can help you stay motivated when you face challenges and setbacks. We will help you to move away from competition towards celebrating your uniqueness, which you will learn to let shine. You will learn to do more of what you love, and find the courage to pursue your big dreams!

These are the steps of the ‘Productivity for Scientists System™’ that I have created through working with hundreds of scientists to overcome overwhelm and become more productive while feeling happier in their lives. In addition to these seven categories, you will learn numerous additional strategies to better manage your work and life, to feel better about yourself, to actually create the work environment your desire, to eliminate the fears and self-sabotaging behaviours that are holding you back, and to set up systems that will help you get and stay on-track.

Does this really work?

In a word: Yes! Over time, and with your dedication, this system works consistently to help you to become more productive in your work and to feel happier in your life. …Want more evidence? Just check out my client testimonials!

What results can I expect?

You can expect to:

  • Overcome procrastination and overwhelm.

  • Submit and defend your thesis.

  • Get that paper written and published.

  • Feel on-purpose and that your life and work has a positive direction.

  • Feel happier and more relaxed.

  • Finally get that thing done – and see noticeable progress in all your other projects too.

  • Feel in charge of your day.

  • Know what to do when you get stuck.

  • Get out of the procrastination habit.

  • Get that grant proposal submitted.

  • Get that perfect job.

  • Get clear on what is important to you.

  • Be able to set boundaries around your time and say NO to what is not in alignment with your desires.

  • Feel a renewed enthusiasm for your life and work.

  • Be effective and productive at work – leaving more time for your family, friends and hobbies.

  • Create a healthier balance between your work and life.

  • Feel like you are managing it all.

  • Do more of the things you love and that matter to you.

  • Be more confident and feel better about yourself.

  • Uplevel your career.

  • Develop the courage to pursue your dream.

Okay, I’m ready! How can I get started? 

Set up a FREE 30-min Skype call with me!

During this call, we’ll discuss your current situation. We’ll discuss your challenges, what is not working, your goals and what is in the way of you achieving them. You’ll get your focus back, so that you can start taking steps in the right direction after the call. This call is also for you and I to see if we are a good match and to see how I can help you further.

If you are ready, here is what to do next: Click here to schedule your call with me!

(Results come to those who take action!! 😉)


Thanks for reading! Sign up for my free newsletter, where I share productivity tools and strategies to help you stay on-track and become more productive. (I also share occasional personal notes that you might enjoy reading, to motivate and inspire you!)

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